Product type:Graphic LCD Module
Show contents:128x64
Outline size(mm) :93x70x13.5
Size of View Window(mm):60.77x32.93
Display size(mm) :65.5x38
Point spacing(mm):0.48x0.51
Product application:Instruments
Visual angle:6H
Backlight type or brightness:white
Connection PIN Number:20PIN
Interface mode:SPI
Special instructions:Anti-static ESD 8KV
Working temperature:-20~70℃
Power supply voltage:+3.3V
Driver chip model:ST7567
It is 2.7 inch white background with 128x64 monochrome blue pixel cob (chip on pcb board) LCD module, ST7567 controller, moderate size, high contrast, wide operating temperature, white LED backlight, stn-lcd positive, optional pin header and font chip (contains Chinese characters or ISO8859, ASCII, Unicode, LCM characters), it is 4-wire serial spi interface.
It is easily controlled by MCU such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO, ARM and Raspberry Pi. It can be used in any embedded system, industrial equipment, security, medical and handheld devices.
Of course, we will not ignore customer questions and needs. We have prepared interface documents, product specifications, chip data, etc. for arduino due, mega 2560, uno, nano and raspberry pi or raspberry pi zero.